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Charity Hockey Game – Craftsman Collision Crunch vs CFOX Hockey Team

The Craftsman Collision Crunch hockey team hit the ice on Thursday, November 1st at the Canlan Ice Sports in North Vancouver to raise money for the BC Children’s Hospital Oncology Unit.
The challenger – CFOX hockey team, who play every Thursday night as their annual fundraiser for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.  To date 99.3 the Fox has raised $275,000.

The charity game against CFOX radio was tons of fun and even though Craftsman lost the game 8-3, everyone who participated had a great time. Craftsman Collision raised just short of $1300.00 for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. “We are proud to partner with and support local hospitals, hospital foundations and other health-focused organizations raising funds for much-needed medical equipment and facilities. Craftsman Collision supports many other organizations locally such as the Lions Gate Hospital, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and Research, as well as the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  It is just part of being a good corporate citizen and helping organizations in the communities in which we do business”, said  Larry Nizio, Team Captain and Manager of Craftsman Collision in Abbotsford.  Thank you to all the Craftsman Collision employees for making this event a huge success.