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Craftsman injects over $300,000 into Lions Gate Hospital

Another of Craftsman’s favourite causes is Lions Gate Hospital Foundation. Company President and owner Bill Hatswell has donated over $300,000 in the past three years to help this North Vancouver hospital rebuild its ailing ER equipment, including increased monitoring and radiology for three trauma beds, a portable x-ray unit, a blood warming and storage machine, paediatric equipment for airway management and a fibre optic intubation larangoscope.

“Your early gift will be of immeasurable help, not only in funding the expansion and renovation of the ER, but also in attracting and setting the pace for additional leadership giving,” said fundraising campaign Chair Ken Rekrutiak. “I deeply appreciate your recognition of the need to improve our facility; to improve its efficiency and equip it with the state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools.”